Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Standing Head Lock Escape Valley Drop, Kneeling Guard Break, Single Under Pass
Partner: Derek, Bob

Busy with work lately, so I don't feel like I've been doing this blog justice.  I don't have much to say about the technique portion of the class.  Just little things for the techniques of the week:
  • Head Lock Escape: Try to spin your opponent around during the takedown instead of trying to drag them straight down
  • Kneeling Guard break: Keep your thigh as vertical as you can for as long as you can before stepping back.
  • Single under pass: Take it in 3 different directions, push straight in using your toes.  Once they can kiss their knee turn 90 degress, push straight again to push their knees to the side.
We had some fun with the headlock escape and attacked a few times like we were pro wrestlers.

Rolling: Guard Up/Down/Out
Rolled With: Bhuvana, Derek, Bob, Dave, Andy, Harvey

Had great fun rolling today and had some good success.  I attempted the single under pass a few times and had to abandon it a few times for over/under.  In closed guard I feel like I've been researching transitions between 2 on 1 and cross guard.  I'm not sure if I should feel guilty because it's my a-game or if I should be trying to work something else, but I don't feel stagnant with the progress right now so I'd like to keep working it.

During my last roll with Andy when I was on the bottom I attempted to setup the baseball bat choke from the bottom.  Mostly to try to get him with his own technique.  He said I almost had it, but I couldn't figure out a way to make it any tighter.  He went over some specifics about setting it up and some troubleshooting that he does. 

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