Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 7th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: O-Goshi, Closed Guard Cross Choke & Armbar
Partner: Bob

Worked with Bob today and got to experience his Judo.  I can't articulate what he does differently than the average person but there were a couple things I noticed.  My shoulder seemed to hit the ground sooner or the floor would come quicker.  I'm not sure if that's a product of how he leans or how he's doing it, but it seemed like he was driving me downward instead of throwing me on my back.  His hip movements were a lot more snappy, where he would kind of run into me and bump me quickly before the lift.  I might ask him to critique some of my throws if we have some time before or after class in the future.

Rolling: Guard Position & Free Rolling
Rolled With: Bob, Sam, Brian G, Greg, Ben

Good day of rolling seemed to go by too quickly though.  I was able to complete a few triangles today really working on avoiding getting stacked, shoulder walking, getting a hold of my shin, and pushing on the hip.  I played some cross guard and 2 on 1 which seems to be my bread and butter lately.  They're so comparable to each other. 

I rolled in the guard with Greg and setup 2 on 1, went out to butterfly, attempted the back take, he tightened up so I went for butterfly sweep and got it!  Yeah I swept Greg, only I didn't because as soon as he fell to his back he jumped right back up and I was in guard again.  Oh well, I'll count it as a win for the day.  He was attempting the tozi pass and I would defend it by pushing his head away, then he would try the pass again, eventually he got it.  From the top I don't remember doing much good.  I tried the tozi pass too but didn't come close.  Later on Greg said I should keep my butt down a little more.

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