Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Standing RNC Defense to O-Soto Gari, Backmount: Escape, RNC
Partner: Jesus

Jesus asked about this blog today, so I guess people are talking about it.  Since I just passed the 5 year mark of training Jiu-Jitsu I should probably go back and look at a portion of my old posts.  I probably won't go back to the beginning as I've gone over those posts a couple times, but maybe 2 years back.  Just to get a feel for what I was working on and what struggles I was having.  Probably make fun of the grand epiphanies that I was having.  

A couple notes on the techniques of the week:
  • RNC Defense: Make sure you are leaning over and trying to pull their shoulder down as you turn, you don't want to be standing up straight before you throw or you're likely to get O-Soto Gari'd right back
  • Back Mount escape: You really have to learn on doing 2 things at once.  Trying to free your legs with your lower body and defending the choke with your upper body.
  • RNC: So much to say about this.  Start your squeeze slowly and gradually raise 10% percent in intervals.  Don't gas yourself out by squeezing as hard as you can and then letting up to try again.

Rolling: Back Mount Position, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Jesus, Ryal

My back control felt pretty good.  There were a couple times with both Ryal and Jesus that they were able to roll over and I had to stay with them and try to secure the armbar or return to back mount.  I was hoping my escaping would be better.  I tried to do a few things that Greg showed the day before with controlling the choking hand but didn't quite go as planned. 

Office Hours Partner: Conan

I'm liking that Conan has taken some interest in deep half.  I've been able to work through some parts of the positions with him and try some new things out and get his opinion on them.  We did some light flow rolling from deep half and had some great fun.

One cool thing that he brought up was that he saw Bernardo Faria in a competition video trying to pass a high level players guard with his over/under pass.  To make his over/under pass even deeper he went to deep half for a second and then came back.  It seems a little unorthodox but with the little we did with it I think it's genius!

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