Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24th 2016 - No Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Side Control to Mount Transition, Arm Triangle, Transition to Back Mount
Partner: Frank

My back was super tight going into class today, like I had a huge knot in the middle and couldn't do anything about it.  Some time with the roller helped but then Mike had us do some partner carries up and down the floor.  They were piggy back, fire fighter, double leg, and the worst the bride carry.  I was worried that this would fuck up my back for sure but I was fine.  Then we did 3 sets of 50 triangles with other exercises in between and Fuji wasn't even in attendance.  I think all of that actually helped my back relax because I feel good now.

The transition from side to mount that Mike taught is something I use often.  Getting my hips turned away and controlling their top knee to step over works very well.  From mount we worked on getting a deep cross face and then walking their arm up to get the arm triangle.  The detail that helped me improve this the most was that Mike had us stretch our legs out like grape vining while walking the arm up.  Then if they were to bridge away, letting them move a bit and transitioning to the back.

Rolling: Bottom Mount KOTM, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Robert, Mike, Tom, Frank, Harvey, Ben

The person on the bottom of mount was the king today which makes it interesting.  I was able to maintain the crown for quite a while being dethroned by Mike and I wasn't able to dethrone Robert but had great matches with both of them.  Most of the time I was able to escape to deep half by catching the foot.  Where I went wrong with both Robert and Mike was when I attempted the mounted triangle they were able to create a frame.  So I'll have to think of better ways to set that up.

Robert and I did a free roll and it was a pretty good match.  By this time it was super slippery and we both had some troubles with slipping.  He stayed on top mostly and we both had some good attempts at guillotines and did some half guard and butterfly work.

Office Hours Partner: Tom

We rolled and he did a good job of keeping me from submitting him with my normal stuff.  I think his defenses have improved a lot lately.  I kept trying to setup spiral armbar but I'm still having a problem with getting their arm into position and keeping it there with my step up. 

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