Theme & Techniques: Sean Williams' Guard: Armbar, Triangle, Omoplata
Partner: Justin
Huge class of 14 today to work on the SW Guard. I wish all the day classes could have at least half the attendance. I'm familiar with this guard although I haven't had much success with it so far. Most of it has to do with being able to get off to the side and establishing that frame. I'll have to put some more work into it.
Justin had a little trouble with the triangle, like me he has short legs and I have wide shoulders making it more difficult. We spent some time working on getting to the finish and had him do the technique on Jesus a few times so he could connect his legs. Omoplata was much easier for him as it has been for me. I helped a few groups with movements to help finish the omoplata.
Rolling: King of the Mat - Closed Guard Edition
Rolled With: Quite a few different people
Had some pretty tough rolls but managed to maintain royalty sufficiently. I attempted to go to SW guard as often as I could but could never really get off to the side enough. I loosely played some 2 on 1 and cross guard but without the sleeve grips it's not as easy.
From the top I had huge success with the tozi pass today. I worked on getting off to the side and pinning their leg and maintaining good head pressure more than I have previously and then windshield wiping to get my legs free was also successful.
Office Hours Partner: Tom
Tom was interested in the over/under pass and we drilled it several times as I gave little adjustments and my thoughts. The no gi version is a little tougher so we had to focus more on hip movement to keep their leg trapped. He was getting pretty good at it before we quit for the day.
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