Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Standing Guillotine Defense Takedown, Half Guard Underhook: Back Take, Reguard
Partner: Chris

Half guard is completely it's own animal.  It is pretty difficult to liken it to any other position besides maybe open guard because there are so many variations.  Basic half guard can have different foot positions with which foot you hook their leg and different hand positions with how you make your frame or how you grab.  Then there is deep half, butterfly half, hip switch half, knee shield, and others plus variations on those others.  

Some tips on the techniques of the week:
  • Standing Guillotine: Once you get to the ground switching the grip from their back to their shoulder to get a deep crossface is important.
  • HG Back Take: Opening up their knee after getting under their arm works wonders while getting the harness grip
  • HG Reguard: I have a lot of success with this after trying to sweep them quite often.  After they wizzer I'll try to turn them onto their butt which usually lifts their weight enough to bring my leg into butterfly position sometimes I'll get a butterfly sweep but if they come back I'll get full guard at least.
Rolling: Half Guard
Rolled With: Chris, Drew, Tom

Felt good with my half guard as usual and did what I could to help the other guys with their framing and going for underhooks.  I went to deep half a couple times and hit a waiter sweep one of the times so pretty happy about that. 

When free rolling with Chris I was setting up a spiral armbar from side control.  As I stepped over and planted my hand he tried to knock my base out by kicking my arm, but it locked it out a little bit and was pretty jarring which made me actually put more pressure on the spiral armbar than I had anticipated.  So we both kind of went "awe fuck" at the same time.  My elbow seems fine now but I was a little worried about it at first.  Chris had an existing collar bone injury that I hope this didn't make worse. 

Office Hours Partner: Chris, Mike, Tom

We went over some ezekiel stuff with Chris.  I showed the technique from quarter guard as my preferred option but Mike argued that mount was the better place to learn the technique first.  Which I think we were both correct.  Probably better to just worry about the choke at first from a safe position like mount before having to deal with setting it up from a less stable position, but the choke seems to be more high percentage in the transition than from a static mount.

On that topic, Mike showed me an option to setup the spiral armbar from the top of quarter guard that I am interested in playing around with.  You couldn't finish the armbar from there very well without freeing the leg but that wasn't too difficult.  Then Tom practiced a few spider guard sweeps before calling it a day.

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