Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Basic Open Guard: Position, Tripod Sweep, Omoplata
Students: Will, Sara, Bhuvana, Byrav, John, Daniel, Jordan, Andy, Ben

After the floor exercises I had them do a couple partner exercises: standing guard break motion to situp and the 180 chest drill on top of side control.  I heard a couple people say they were pretty tough exercises, so mission accomplished.

It seemed like everyone understood the open guard position very well.  I had them standup and move side to side and everyone adjusted and pushed and pulled as they should.  The only thing that people were having trouble with on the tripod sweep was pulling their foot back during the sweep.  I remember that being difficult for me too and I think it's something you just have to get past with time.  This motion is used often in other sweeps like spider guard and sickle sweep.

Teaching the omoplata went well too although I know several of them don't have that much experience with it.  

Rolling: Open Guard Up/Down/Out, Free Rolling

Had a lot of fun splitting my time between rolling and walking around with Sara's daughter, I called it baby cam.  I decided to do up/down/out instead of king of the mat so everyone got a chance to play both positions, but I do like king of the mat more.  Felt good about the effort that I put into rolling but I did have to remind myself a few times to get after it and set the pace rather than play my lazy way. 

Office Hours Partner: John, Jordan

I worked with John on a video that I watched earlier today concerning hand fighting for the RNC (linked below).  We both thought it worked pretty well and I can't wait to drill it a few more times and work it into my rolling.

Went over a few techniques with Jordan from the blue belt curriculum and told him that he'll do fine when he tests. 

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