Saturday, August 27, 2016

August 27th 2016 - Open Mat

Open Mat
Rolled With: Jerad, Ben, James, Jake (new), Nick, Clint, Josh J
Game Plan: Be Aggressive, Deep Half work

I felt like I accomplished a lot today. I rolled with Nick for the first time who is a black belt that has been with us for a little while now.  I felt like he gave me some room to work a little bit I ended up in deep half a few times and had a good attempt at a waiter sweep that I should have come up to a single on as he spun out of it.  I've asked him to work with me on omoplatas in the near future as I saw him do some good stuff with it on others.

Jerad and I slow rolled before our actual roll as a good warm-up.  It was tough as usual and I think I did a good job of maintaining the pace.

James and I had a marathon of a roll.  Helped Clint with avoiding guillotines and hip switch pass after rolling.  I was super worn out for the last roll of the day with Josh, he's usually tough in general.

In between rolls with Ben he told me he enjoyed the blog which is nice to hear. He had a few questions about certain positions that we got in so we worked through what I would do if our rolls were reversed.

I helped a new guy Jake through 3 different things upa escape, Americana from mount, and butterfly sweep. Pretty much a first day crash course.

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