Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17th 2016 - No Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Bread Cutter, Darce
Partner: Henry

Conan demonstrated the no gi bread cutter on me for the class and it was miserable. I've done it a few times during rolling but find it difficult to set up. Since Henry and I were both pretty versed in these chokes we worked a bit on Japanese Necktie as well.

Rolling: Side Control
Rolled With: Henry, Daniel, Ben, Josh (New)

Henry did a great job today and I had a hell of a time trying to control him.  He was able to escape side control a few times with inverting so I had him show me that after class.

I helped out the new guy Josh as much as I could during rolling, I walked him through passing guard and some basic things that he should think about. But, I also swept him or passed his guard as cleanly as possible to which he commented that it didn't seem to take much effort.

Office Hours Partner: Henry

Henry and I rolled a few times making it quite a workout. He was on point with guillotines and was able to make them tight. I had a few submission attempts that were close but he was able to eventually slip out.

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