Theme & Techniques: Kesa Escape to Back Mount, Kneeling Guard Break, Knee Slide Pass
Students: Daniel, Shane, Kit, Lucas, Bob, Ben
Had everyone do the ideal tournament scenario warm-up after the floor exercises. Had a few newer guys that I had to spend some time helping at first. But I observed everyone improve with their transitions from stand-up to a position and then a submission.
Felt pretty good about my explanations of the techniques of the week. I saw quite a few bent arms though during drilling and I'm not sure how to emphasize how important it is to work on keeping that straight.
Rolling: Closed Guard, Free Rolling
Ended up with even numbers today so I mostly just coached people. Most of the stuff I said in guard had to do with posture. Newer people want to push forward in a closed guard and get kind of stuck where they should be focused on breaking the guard open to start passing. I think this just needs to sink in.
Office Hours Partner: Daniel, Shane
Daniel and Shane were nice enough to stay after a bit and roll with me. After rolling with Dan, we talked about dealing with wrestlers as he hadn't known that many at his previous school. I said that I was still in the process of figuring it out too but advised him against trying to hold them down in side control and you have to be very mobile and reactive to their movements and try to stay ahead of them.
After rolling with Shane we talked about the armbar from guard as he was feeling like he could set it up but not finish it. I helped him tighten up the technique a bit with keeping his back flat instead of shrimping, getting him to kick me more forward with my armpit and then clamping down with both legs independently instead of crossing feet. Seemed to make a big difference.
I really enjoy teaching!
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