Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21st 2016 - No Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Single Leg X, Entry from Butterfly Half, Double ankle sweep, Transition to X-Guard
Partner: Justin

Mike taught the entry from butterfly half guard, which is a position I'll find myself in with bigger guys.  From there we were only reacting to if they were putting forward pressure which usually is what happens otherwise we would go for an underhook and work regular half guard.  With the forward pressure we would rock them forward and then push to the side to put the free leg into the single leg x position. 

Justin took right too this and I told him that it was probably something he should work on and experiment with because it works well with his body type.

Rolling: KOTM: Single Leg X
Rolled With: Ian, Ben, Justin, Mike, Sam, Jordan, Dave

Had some success with sweeping with the basic single leg x sweep, I did have to resort to full x a few times and got passed by Mike once or twice.  Ben gave me some trouble with finishing the sweep, I think I just needed to pull my leg out that was on the hip and come up, because I was kind of stuck on my side.  I tried to coach people into using their hips more.  To sweep from single leg x in my opinion requires a lot of lifting and engaging of the hips.

Office Hours Partner: Dave, Mike

Dave did rather well during our roll.  His base was very good and prevented a few things that I wanted.  There was a point when he didn't fight from a dog fight position and kind of fell over, and Mike and I showed him how to put a little extra pressure with the wizzer. 

Mike and I had a couple great rolls that made me sore and late to get back to work.  Tough battles as usual and thought provoking.  I'm working hard to try new things when we end up in the same positions over and over.  Had some leg lock exchanges that I'm feeling better about defending and still realizing that I've got a lot to learn. 

We went over waiter sweep after rolling and how he often goes right to heel hook or knee bar during the sweep.  We determined that I need to put my foot more up into the armpit to prevent that as I setup the sweep.  This is the great part of having good teammates, he didn't have to help me figure out a way to defend something that he always does to me but he did it to help me progress and ultimately himself if I am able to figure this out he'll have to find a new answer.

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