Theme & Techniques: Shawn Williams' Guard: Position, Armbar, Omoplata
Partner: Bhuvana
Mike had a little different setup for SW guard than Greg has been teaching and I kind of like it. He said that in no gi if their hand is on the ground then he's going for the SW guard. The toughest part for me is figuring out how to move my hips while having my arm under my leg. Because if I try to use the leg to push with it affects my grip on their neck. I'll have to work with it more to figure the position out.
It seemed like everyone had a bit of a problem with the armbar which I think had mostly to do with hip movement. Omoplata was fun as usual. The coolest part was some of the alternate finishes that Greg went over with putting the triangled leg in the armpit or under the leg were very doable.
Rolling: SW Guard
Rolled With: Morgan, Robert
We started in the SW guard which gave the guard person a leg up so to speak. It was a good idea because I could see most of us preventing even getting to the guard and no one actually getting practice with it. Had a tough time with Robert. Every time I was close to sweeping him or whatever wrestling would happen and he would take the top position. I really need to work on my wrestling and no gi.
Office Hours Partner: Mike
We rolled a bit but I felt a step behind. Probably having to do with the tough week that I just completed. I did some good things and prevented quite a few leg locks but mostly I was defending the whole time and then tapping. I just need to recover a bit but good rolling nonetheless.
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