Theme & Techniques: X-Guard: Butterfly Sweep to X, Ankle Grab Sweep, Technical Stand-up sweep
Partner: Tom
Building on last week's class of single leg x and a little full x, Mike taught the basic entry from a failed butterfly sweep. I think the big thing for Tom was getting him to focus more on getting his upper body into position during the transition rather than worrying about getting the legs right from the start. I think quite a few people had some trouble with the stand-up sweep so I would suggest practicing it when they have a knee down to get used to coming up.
Rolling: Up/Down/Out X-Guard, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Mike, Jordan, Bhuvana, Byrav, Bob, Tim, Tom
X-Guard is very difficult to pass and starting from the position proved very difficult for the top person. Sometimes I could untangle the feet but a few times I was only able to pass after they swept and were trying to come up. From the bottom, I felt pretty good about my control and was able to transition to other guards if things got dicey. There were a few issues with trying to control sweaty wrists when trying to do the low ankle sweep.
Office Hours Partner: Mike
We discussed a torque sweep variation with some inversion that resembles a wrestling switch ending up in a nasty leg drag torque position. Have to look at it more but we were liking it. We rolled a couple times and I'm still falling for leg lock stuff. I tried to be a little more patient and realized that is how I'm getting caught by him most of the time. We also had a pretty cool scramble where I caught a guillotine and swept. I felt like my angle was bad on the choke and I was losing it but the idea of switching to a no arm darce felt like a natural transition and it worked very well.
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