Saturday, February 11, 2017

February 11th 2017 - Open Mat

Open Mat
Rolled With: Dave, Daniel, Telly (sp?), Josh J
Game Plan: Bottom - Z-Guard, Top - Crucifix

Dave called to me from across the room and asked if I would show him the over/under to which I said "no, stay over there." We worked on the pass from standing and then from butterfly guard.  The big point being to control one leg between yours and the other with your head and shoulder.  We rolled several times after.  I tried to be very slow and deliberate with my movements and helped him with a few things on the way and helped him setup the pass a few times.

Worked on a mount escape to deep half with Daniel. He's looking for more escape options from mount and he said something about not liking being in mine.  I don't remember too much about our roll except his leg weave pass is coming along pretty well.

Had quite a roll with Telly. He's fairly aggressive on top with probably a wrestling background.  I was on the bottom of side control for a good portion of the roll but was able to prevent submissions and get an underhook or attack the elbow push. I eventually recovered guard and got on top.  Using a lasso sweep, I tried to setup an armbar/kimura but didn't get the right angle and got pushed off. We had some scrambles and I felt confident in going to crucifix position from there.

Josh asked to work on brabo grip from side control and we also went over my gotos from top as well as cross choke from mount.  I played some Z-Guard and was persistent in getting the double leg even though he gave me a lot of resistance.  This is what I need to work through and figure out because someone pushing down on my head slows my progress.

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