Thursday, February 2, 2017

February 2nd 2017 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Headlock Escape Bridge Over, Straight Footlock: Setup and Escape
Partner: Bob

Had some good practice with Bob.  He didn't seem to favor the kesa escape until I told him to slow it down and bridge and turn rather than be explosive, seemed to make all the difference.  He can definitely make the footlock tight, but I only had to give him a few pointers to make the technique more direct and to the point.  A few things:
  • Once the foot is in place, treat the stepping like you're doing a walking break fall.  Don't fall back but fall to the side.  
  • Look away.  He had a similar problem that I had that I wanted to see my partners face to see when I went too far with the ankle lock.  It's pretty much required that you have to look away to turn the shoulders correctly to get the tap.

Rolling: Guard Up/Down/Out, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Shane, Jess, Justin, Jesus, John, Ben

Once again, I tried some tozi passes but wasn't able to complete them.  I think I'm going to have to do some research on it. 

Shane did a good job of maintaining guard and grip fighting, I had to really work to pass his guard.  With Jess I had to keep him from foot locking me and I mostly did that by keeping my heel on his ribs or hip and not let my foot get pulled to the side.  I didn't see much of an opportunity to setup my own footlocks, maybe that will be my goal for tomorrow morning.

Office Hours Partner: Justin

Justin asked some questions about what I would do from the top of side control and we went over bread cutter, NS choke, and farside armbar.  We rolled a few times and then discussed pieces of the rolls a why they happened and what he could have done to defend or prevent them. 

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